ProteinFishing: a protein complex generator within the ModelX toolsuite.

TitleProteinFishing: a protein complex generator within the ModelX toolsuite.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCianferoni, D, Radusky, LG, Head, SA, Serrano, L, Delgado, J
Date Published2020 08 15
KeywordsAlgorithms, Proteins, Software

SUMMARY: Accurate 3D modelling of protein-protein interactions (PPI) is essential to compensate for the absence of experimentally determined complex structures. Here, we present a new set of commands within the ModelX toolsuite capable of generating atomic-level protein complexes suitable for interface design. Among these commands, the new tool ProteinFishing proposes known and/or putative alternative 3D PPI for a given protein complex. The algorithm exploits backbone compatibility of protein fragments to generate mutually exclusive protein interfaces that are quickly evaluated with a knowledge-based statistical force field. Using interleukin-10-R2 co-crystalized with interferon-lambda-3, and a database of X-ray structures containing interleukin-10, this algorithm was able to generate interleukin-10-R2/interleukin-10 structural models in agreement with experimental data.

AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: ProteinFishing is a portable command-line tool included in the ModelX toolsuite, written in C++, that makes use of an SQL (tested for MySQL and MariaDB) relational database delivered with a template SQL dump called FishXDB. FishXDB contains the empty tables of ModelX fragments and the data used by the embedded statistical force field. ProteinFishing is compiled for Linux-64bit, MacOS-64bit and Windows-32bit operating systems. This software is a proprietary license and is distributed as an executable with its correspondent database dumps. It can be downloaded publicly at Licenses are freely available for academic users after registration on the website and are available under commercial license for for-profit organizations or companies.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Alternate JournalBioinformatics
Citation Key396
PubMed ID32437555
PubMed Central IDPMC7390992